Saturday 18 October 2008

Let The Fun & Games Commence

How are you all feeling? The following sound familiar?
-Frantically trying to read through whole text books in half a day
-A to Z word chasing (you know the one - you read something in the A to Z, you see another word that is highlighted, you go to that entry, and so on....and on).
-Getting worse marks in the MCQs than when you started revising.
-Slight sick feeling that you should have started revising earlier.
-Other half completely fed up with you

I'm sure you get the picture! The weekend before the exam starts is horrible. It feels like there is a lot to get through, but the awful truth is (with the exception of a few jammy people) most of what is read this weekend will make no difference at all on Tuesday. In fact, the last time I sat this exam, I could have done the majority of the SAQ paper months previously and it wouldn't have changed my marks grossly. Sick isn't it?

So, what to do for two and a bit days? Everyone will be different but here's what I'm attempting to do in no particular order:

-Anatomy (there will almost certainly be one SAQ - learn the diagrams!) - done today.
-Bricker SAQ book
-The new Guide to the FRCA Final examination MCQs & SAQs (it's a new edition - some MCQs will come up and there may even be SAQs as well)
-Some sexy topics (see earlier postings)
-A quick flick through some old RCOA SAQs

-If not already done, consider having a go at the practice paper I set out in an earlier posting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Conversation with boyf @ 9am today:

Me: Off out love?
Him: Yep!
Me: Where to?
Him: Anywhere . . .

Poor guy.