Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Sugamma.....something or other

The only reason I had heard of this prior to the SAQs in April was because one of my previous bosses, who I did regular lists with as an SHO, was fascinated by it and would discuss it regularly - amazing to think that even a couple of years later those 'discussions' would be useful to me! So what's all the fuss about?

Sugammadex (AKA 'The Molecular Condom' as described by gaussling)


- Org 25969
- Modified γ-cyclodextrin

- Lipophilic core and hydrophilic periphery enabling the molecule to engulf and bind lipophilic molecules while maintaining aqueous solubility (8 negatively-charged thio ether extensions are situated at the 6th carbon position of each ring, thus extending the cavity size allowing greater encapsulation of the rocuronium molecule).

Mechanism of action
- The first selective relaxant binding agent - it forms very tight water-soluble complexes at a 1:1 ratio with aminosteroidal neuromuscular blocking drugs e.g. rocuronium, preventing them from binding to the ACh molecule and exerting muscular relaxation.

- Reversal of profound neuromuscular blockade without the need to inhibit acetylcholinesterase i.e. eliminating the autonomic/CVS effects of the more traditional acetylcholinesterase inhibitors(neostigmine) and the concomitant antimuscarinics (glycopyrrolate) that must be also administered. (Phase 3 trials)
- Elimination of the incomplete reversal experienced with use of traditional acetylcholinesterase inhibitors.
- Also, the rapid onset (and now reversal by Sugammadex) of action of rocuronium could make it a safer alternative to suxamethonium in rapid sequence inductions.


- No effects on other receptor systems in body i.e. biologically inactive
- Does not bind to plasma protein
- No renal excretion

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wasn't there some article in which they looked at the side-effect profile in one of the mags recently?