Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Sexy Topics

Certain topics have a propensity to appear in the Final Examination. Some are topical, some are even newsworthy, and some have been done badly in previous exam sittings. Is it worth trying to spot some questions? Absolutely; we successfully managed to 'guess' 3-4 questions in the last exam, so I'm going to list a few topics which I think may come up for various reasons.

Previous SAQs done badly as highlighted in the Examiner's Report
- Preop assessment of a hypertensive patient (October 2007 SAQ paper)
- Management of twins (October 2007 SAQ paper)
- Air Embolus (April 2008 SAQ paper)
- Paediatric Fluid Balance (April 2008 SAQ paper)
- Neuromuscular Blocking Reversal + Sugammadex (April 2008 SAQ paper)

Other topics include issues of public interest and patient safety which were highlighted in the Examiner's report as being repeatedly done badly and therefore will continue to be represented in the examination, guidelines (including AAGBI, NICE, NPSA), and review articles from major journals.

-Awareness: continually remains in the public eye
-Healthcare-associated infections (VIP cannula scores/MRSA/C.Diff): huge at present also linked with recent publication by the aagbi on Infection in Anaesthesia
-CEMACH - easily repeated question
-Mental Capacity Act - has come into force in late 2007. This is the link I used previously, but for much more comprehensive coverage of both this and issues of Consent, EI has done a fantastic job putting togther some very simple explanations of tricky topics!
-LA toxicity +/- Intralipid use - it's going to come up eventually
-Malignant Hyperthermia treatment
-Blood Transfusion
-Perioperative Management of the Morbidly Obese Patient
-Prophylaxis against Infective Endocarditis: NICE March 2008
-Perioperative hypothermia: NICE April 2008
-Head Injury: NICE September 2007
-VAP: NICE August 2008
-CEPEX testing here
-POISE (Perioperative Ischaemic Evaluation) study: looks at beta-blocker use in non-cardiac surgery
-Amniotic Fluid Embolism: inexplicable rise in last triennium of CEMACH report.
-Obesity in Pregnancy

Journal Review Articles worth looking at


August: Carotid endarterectomy
September: Perioperative platelet Rx
December: Gabapentin
February: Prone position
March: VAP
September: Perioperative management of pts with renal failure



October/November: Interpleural block parts 1&2
December: Remifentanil

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