Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Spring Clean

As you may have noticed, there are a few extras added to the site. As I have been so utterly fed up with revision in the past day or two, I reverted to the ultimate in procrastination and found some fun stuff to put on the blog. I realise that for the majority of time, I hope I'm posting some useful information/links etc about hot topics. Some of my friends who read this blog tell me that it gives the impression that I'm constantly working extremely hard and am very well prepared. You'll be delighted to hear that in fact I am completely human and some days really struggle to open a book. Like today....!! So, I hope that this posting will bring some comfort to everyone who has crap days where the brain is resisting attempts to revise.

There is a live traffic feed on the bottom left margin to see where everyone is coming from and going to via this site - if you feel this is a infringement on your privacy, you are able to opt your browser out by clicking on the options button at the bottom of it. No-one gets any personal information from you - it's purely an interest thing for the geek in me!

Only 40 days to go until the written - chins up!

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