Firstly, the negatives: the £$*&@@^ A-delta & C-fibres were the last thing on my mind at that point as I performed what was probably a comedy ACME cartoon dance holding my throbbing thumb. Then, I realised the potential problem of the little test which involves a small amount of scribbling next week - could I learn to write left-handed in one week? Unlikely. Would I have to pray that I have the healing powers of the hot cheerleader on Heroes? Most likely. It kind of scuppers my plans of doing lots of practice SAQs this week though.
Lastly, the positives: I don't have to do any practice SAQs this week...... Hmmm - great attitude! Seriously though, I did manage to do the practice exam which I posted last week. I sat down and did the whole lot in almost three hours exactly so my timing shouldn't be too much of a problem. I give myself about 35 minutes to plans for all 12 questions. I take 3 pieces of blank A4 paper, divide them in half horizontally and write my 12 plans in each section. I then look at all the questions and decide on an order to do them in, starting first with the questions I find easiest/know the most about, and ending with the weaker questions. I find that this gives me some confidence at the beginning and I find my writing flow. I'll spend 10-11 minutes per question rigidly and then move on. The hardest section of the exam for me is concentrating on and writing the last four questions - your hand hurts and your mind is tired and wandering. That's why you need to train yourself by doing lots of full papers. Judging by a couple of postings on we're all extremely fed up now. We're nearly there - it's often a battle of the mind at this point because we've done most of the leg-work - so keep going and I'll look forward to sharing a beer with you all next Tuesday evening!!
Below is a picture which describes my thumb, and also should describe how we're all feeling too!!

I echo your thoughts. I am sorry about your thumb. I did the 12 questions last evening (mersey method 1hr of planning and then presentation). I was tired at the end of it both physically and mentally. My wrist, back and shoulder ached like hell.
I am a regular visit to this site and I feel it is really very useful for the preparation. Keep up the good work beyond in some form.
I am really, really sorry to hear about your thumb.
Good news - the thumb is on the mend. Should be fine for Tuesday!!
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